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not in order造句

"not in order"是什么意思  
  • Solicitude for the future of a race like this is not in order .
  • We criticized you because we wanted to help you, not in order to find fault with you .
  • According to our records, your complaint about incomplete delivery is not in order
  • If the required documents submitted are not in order, your application will not be accepted
  • According to our shipping record, your complaint about incomplete delivery is not in order
  • “ i don't know why we exist, but i'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves
  • Such queues are called priority queues; in this type of queue service is not in order of time of arrival but rather in order of some measure of priority
  • Secondly, the author assumes material is elastic, separately adopts planar model and spatial model of the 6-12-18-storey spatial concrete frames reckons in shear deformation and axial deformation and contrastingly analyzes lateral displacement of the frames under taft . e1-centro and tianjfn seismic wave considering geometric non-linear effect or not in order to find out the rule about geometric non-linear effect on earthquake-resistant behavior of multi-storey and highrise concrete frame structure under strong-motion earthquake . simultaneously, the author weighs the effect of spatial self-bracing function on structural analysis by contrasting lateral displacement between planar model and spatial model of the frames
  • It's difficult to see not in order in a sentence. 用not in order造句挺难的
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